David Drysdale


David is a senior majoring in Biology and Chemistry. After graduation, David hopes to attend medical school and do biomedical research.

Why David Tutors:
I got along with my calculus instructor, Professor Anderson, and he asked if I was interested in being a tutor. I had never thought of doing it before and decided to give it a go. So far, it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I enjoy the intellectual stimulation and interactions with other students who are motivated to learn more. I appreciate the enthusiasm of the students I tutor and fancy the notion that I am facilitating the success of my peers.

What Tutoring Does for Him:
Tutoring is an excellent way to solidify knowledge of a subject. Teaching a concept to someone is my favorite means of understanding it better. I am very grateful to have been recommended by my professors to help other students master course material. Also, I believe it helps develop my interpersonal communication skills. The act of conveying a message in order to enhance someone's understanding of a topic is often a difficult task. I absolutely recommend becoming a tutor for anyone that is interested. If anything, it is a great way to make new friends!

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