End of an Era


Theatre Newsletter | May 2022

Now that the school year is wrapping up, many students are preparing for a relaxing summer before coming back to their hectic school schedules. However, the students who write for the St. Ambrose University Theatre Department Newsletter will have a slight change made to their schedules next year. Next fall, this newsletter will unfortunately be taken out of operation, making this the last ever edition.

Initially organized by Dr. Corinne Johnson, the newsletter has been standing almost as long as she has worked here. However, now that she will be retiring in May, so will the newsletter legacy.

"I felt it was important to keep connected with our departmental graduates and to use the newsletter to reach out to potential recruits to show them what we were doing and planning," explained Johnson when asked why she decided to kickstart the newsletter.

I'm so thankful that I was given this opportunity to be the Editor because this position provided me with vital leadership experience and allowed me to sharpen my organizational skills. Most importantly though, the newsletter enabled me to keep my connection to the Theatre Department strong this year. Due to a new job and a few more immersive roles in my other activities, I didn't spend much time at Galvin this year. I was especially disappointed every time a new production started up and I knew that I wouldn't be able to audition. Despite these setbacks, my role as the Editor still required me to keep up to date with everything going on and because of this, I still felt like a theatre kid this year. I would like to thank Dr. Corinne Johnson and Luke Peterson ‘21 for seeing my potential and taking a chance on me.

I have only played a small role in the grand scheme of things though. I also want to thank my writers for sticking with me this year, Robin Ruetenik for designing the webpage, and everyone before me who built up the reputation.

In fact, it's crazy to think that since 1997, this newsletter has kept alumni and current students connected. So, while I am sad that I will not be able to pass on the leadership torch to one of my writers, I can't help but look at all of the positives. I hope that our many readers and staff members will also look back fondly on the newsletter; that way, the legacy can live on in our hearts.

–Amber Cook


Education Together

We are pleased to announce that St. Ambrose University has signed a new joint agreement with Mount Mercy University as we explore a potential strategic combination. We celebrate this exciting news not only for each of our universities and our communities, but also for the region.

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