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Chris Barnum
Professional interests include racial disparity in police traffic stops, social identity theory, statistics, and others.
Tom Anderson
Physical Plant
Dan Ebener
Dr. Dan Ebener has been practicing leadership and developing leaders in churches, businesses, and nonprofits since 1975.
Daneel Gayle
Director of Residence Life
Bill Foley
Physical Plant
Clare Holladay
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Keri Manning
Teaches U.S. History, Women's History, Modern History and East Asian History.
Steven McConnell
Area Coordinator of Upper Classman Experience
Yazmeen Pérez
Area Coordinator
Abigail Rock
Director of Graduate, Adult, and Online Enrollment Marketing & Communications
Chris Stafford
Chris is a Groundskeeper in the Physical Plant Department.
Terry Wilson
Physical Plant
Nicholas Bitting
International Admissions Counselor
Drew Blocker
Manager of Ground Maintenance
Stacy Eckley
Stacy provides office support for Physical Plant/Maintenance.
Randall Goblirsch
Senior Director of Enrollment Communications and Marketing
Brad Gradin
Physical Plant
Jim Hannon
Director, Physical Plant
Sandy McKinley
Teaches Modern European and Latin American history with a focus on revolutionary movements.
Amber Osterhaus
Assistant Director of Enrollment Technology
Craig Ochs
Craig is a Groundskeeper in the Physical Plant Department.
Larry Skillin
Teaches Revolutionary, Colonial, Civil War and U.S. History.
Bailey Winfree
Enrollment Communications and Marketing Specialist
Carol Arney
Admissions & Welcome Center Coordinator
Halie Dodd
Halie is an Area Coordinator for Residence Life managing Cosgrove and Bechtel halls.
Ethan Gannaway
Teaches Ancient History with a focus on Classical Studies and Latin.
Tim Eldridge
Physical Plant
Nancy Hines, RN, BSN, MS
Nurse Nancy is director of Student Health Services.
Gracyn Malcolm
Director of Campus Experience
Matt Moore
Matt is Groundskeeper for all St. Ambrose properties.
Theresa Panich
Administrative Assistant for Health Services and Counseling Center
Chris Phillips
Chris is a HVAC Technician in the Physical Plant Department.
Kaylon Spengler
Kaylon is Operations Manager for the Physical Plant.

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